【專題講座】新加坡音樂教室Aureus Academy 徵才講座
About Aureus Academy
Aureus Academy is Singapore’s leading music school with over 18,000 students enrolled between our school. Aureus Academy specialises in providing individually tailored piano lessons, violin lessons, guitar lessons, and voice lessons and more to students of all ages and abilities.
Our first music school opened in September 2013 as we saw the opportunity to enrich countless lives with what we felt was missing; let people learn what they want to. Since our first day nearly a decade ago, our approach has always been built around the best possible experience for our students, so they want to learn music and develop a passion for learning. It started with a small team of passionate musicians who loved music because of their teachers. Today, over 18,000 students actively take music lessons and we employ over 750 people across our 19 Aureus Academy centres through Singapore.